Thursday, September 12, 2013

Warrior Reaver Spec, As Promised.

So this is hard for me to do, but i no longer enjoy playing the game rift as much as i used to. People always try to steal my specs, and a lot of people have recently come close to getting my Reaver Spec, after i switched over to it from using a Voidknight Spec, First comes the Reaver spec and later on i will post the DPS Void spec for Anti Rogue. This Reaver Spec Tops warfront damage when used with two weapons and all the correct buffs, There will be two different macros posted bellow, one for PVP dueling, and the other one For AOE damage, Almost the same but makes a huge difference from the AOE to the Single Target macro. This is one of my favorite Specs i have Kept hidden for so long and now it is free Game for everyone. This Spec was Created by me and no one else, and was tested a lot with different variables to make it perfect. It has around a 7-10k burst damage with over 30-40k of Dot damage, Plus not to Mention, you can attack still while all this is going out. My internet latency is around 1000 ping, and it is really hard for me to get moves to go out the way i want so even though i can play every now and then my internet can go from 1000 ping to 10k ping in seconds, causing me to lock and freeze up. If this isnt an issue i get a low fps around 2. Anyone who knows a game should know why these are issues for playing properly, since normally people run around 30 to 60 fps and around 20 ping to 200 ping. While most say a game is unplayable at 400 ping. I will be here to Help people after i Leave Rift though, I will probably just log in every now and then since i am giving away 4 Specs when i leave that i Love. 1 mage, 1 Cleric, and 2 Warrior Builds. I can Also give out My bard Spec later on, but its not as good as the others. So for right now, i just worry about getting the other builds to you guys. Since most of you guys have better internet then me and i still topped Warfronts in Damage and Killed many players, in Warfronts and out of them Each spec i give you Should be worth your time to look at. My macros were made to give me the edge over the enemy since i have poor latency, i made them to be the best i can, So they are Long but they are pretty much What you need all in one.

42 Reaver, 26 Paladin, 8 Tempest.

Reaver-- 42

Row 1-- 5 in Planar Attunement
Row 2-- 5 in Entropic Embrade, 1 in Soul Feast
Row 3-- 1 in Crest of Shadow, 5 in Tempered Constitution
Row 4-- 3 in Ethereal Bond, 1 in Dire Corruption
Row 5-- 5 in Crippling Infestation, 1 in Crest of Entropy, 1 in Soul Devour
Row 6-- 1 in Shadow of Dread, 5 in Power From The Masses
Row 7-- 3 in Infectious
Row 8-- 3 in Walks With Death, 1 in Flesh Rot
Row 9-- 1 in Explosive Infestation

Paladin-- 26

Row 1-- 5 in Stalwart Shield, 5 in A Good Defensive
Row 2-- None
Row 3-- 1 in Light's Hammer, 5 in Enduring
Row 4-- 3 in Hardened Defenses, 1 in Face Slam, 3 in Pacification
Row 5-- 1 in Resolution, 1 in Touch of Light
Row 6-- 1 in Shield of the Vengeful
Row 7-- None
Row 8-- None
Row 9-- None


Row 1-- 5 in Amped
Row 2-- 3 in Difficult Target
Row 3-- None
Row 4-- None
Row 5-- None
Row 6-- None
Row 7-- None
Row 8-- None
Row 9-- None


AOE macro!

#show Shadow of Dread
cast Break Free
cast [shift] Dire Corruption
cast [shift] Stumbling Corruption
cast [shift] Skyfall
cast Plague Bringer
cast Light's Hammer
cast Explosive Infestation
cast Shadow of Dread
cast Infestation
cast [alt] Righteous Charge
cast [alt] Pacifying Strike
cast Soul Sickness
cast Necrotic Wounds
cast Shock Pulse
cast Flesh Rot
cast Light's Balm
cast Crest of the Shadow
cast Face Slam
cast Crest of Entropy
cast Soul Crystal
cast Petrified Rune
cast Charged Mirror

PVP 1v1 Macro or PVE 1v1 macro

#show Shadow of Dread
cast Break Free
cast [shift] Dire Corruption
cast [shift] Stumbling Corruption
cast [shift] Skyfall
cast Light's Hammer
cast Explosive Infestation
cast Shadow of Dread
cast Infestation
cast [alt] Righteous Charge
cast [alt] Pacifying Strike
cast Soul Sickness
cast Necrotic Wounds
cast Shock Pulse
cast Flesh Rot
cast Light's Balm
cast Crest of the Shadow
cast Face Slam
cast Crest of Entropy
cast Soul Crystal
cast Petrified Rune
cast Charged Mirror

AOE Melee Macro

#show Cyclone Strike
cast Break Free
cast Cyclone Strike
cast Sweeping Strike


Attacking order should be

Refresh tempest after 15 seconds
So on so on

Get low on Health use

Touch of Life

Keep all Known Buffs on you at all time! order should be from Least importance Cast first, to most important last. Debuffing spells cast will take the buff you cast first off! KEEP IT IN MIND!

To use Alt, Or Shift in the macro, you must hold alt or shift, and then actually use the mouse to click the macro on the screen, anything else wont work!

Seriously the spec is that simple, thats all you need to know

The macro will roll through range, and switch to melee when you hold alt, and then it will attack even if your target is not visible correctly, however if he is nowhere in sight, it will switch to mild heals to get your health back. You big heal is not included in the Macros so you need to Click them separately.

Here Are Videos



It's Dwarfin' Time

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